Indian R&AW — Human rights violation


Indian R&AW agents are the culprits. They stole identity, made identity theft a game. Framed, defamed and harassed. Shame on the so called “Yuvas”. Which country on planet earth would send so called intelligence agents for identity theft, framing, defaming and harassment? — India.


That’s the biggest question. Why would a country do so much human rights violation? What are they trying to cover-up? How big is the lie / crime that India is trying to cover-up?

List of rogue R&AW agents:

  1. Karan / Kamalakar / Karunakar / Diwakar with multiple surnames. Supposedly slightly tall, lean, brown skinned guy. — The biggest culprit in the entire list.
  2. Few different females who either have virtual identities of first name Kanti or may be even created identities with first name of Kanti.
  3. Thota Veera Raghava
  4. Uttam — There are two different rogue Uttam’s with multiple surnames.
  5. Few different Sowjanya’s, Not all Sowjanya’s are culprits, but some of them are culprits.
  6. Mukesh Golla
  7. Bojja Srinivas Rao
  8. Few other Srinivas’s

Shame on the above list of people, shame on India for human rights violation. Human rights violators should be considered and prosecuted as terrorists. This is a case of terrorism, identity theft, framing, defaming, harassing, human rights violation.

Once again Shame on India — the only country on planet earth that would send at least 1 dozen agents for harassment, identity theft and cover-up. So, Indian R&AW agent did steal identity and that’s what India is trying to cover-up. And for the cover-up, spent millions in R&AW agents salary, other expenses and instead of using a dozen R&AW agents for something useful, India decided to use a dozen R&AW agents for human rights violation and cover-up.

That guy Erra Karan / Kamalakar / Karunakar / Diwakar whatever his name is, he is the biggest culprit and I know that he is in London somewhere. If my suspicion is correct, either him or someone very close to him is the identity thief. Shame on you!



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