Private Hosted Zone in Route 53 on AWS


Cross Post —

Although ALight Technology And Services Limited is a very small startup as of now but internally there are few different servers hosted on AWS. I had the need for a private DNS server. This blog post is about setting up a Private Hosted Zone in Route 53 on AWS.

*Hosted Zones cost $0.5 per month and additional for the DNS queries but worth instead of going through the trouble of setting up own DNS servers on few different EC2 instances (alternate and slightly cheaper way, but not very reliable and lots of sysadmin work).

Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Route 53 and create a new Hosted Zone with the Type — Private Hosted Zone option.
  2. Associate the necessary VPC’s, be careful not to have overlapping addresses. The VPV’s need to have DNS Hostnames and DNS Resolution enabled.
  3. Now log in into your EC2 instance and do a nslookup.
> nslookup my.local //Assuming you have setup a record as my.local in Route 53.

If you get the IP resolved great! If not, use this webpage for troubleshooting —

For me the 4th part solved my error — Review custom settings in resolv.conf.

Hoping the above blog post helps someone.

Although, I have AWS Certified Architect Certificate and do have knowledge of AWS Route 53 Private Hosted Zone, this effort has allowed me to gain hands-on experience!

Happy development :)!

NOT associated with the erra / yerra karan, kamalakar, diwakar, kareem, karan, erra / yerra sowmya, erra / yerra sowjanya, zinnabathuni sowjanya, bojja srinivas (was a friend and batchmate 1998–2002, not anymore), mukesh golla (was a friend and classmate 1998–2002, not anymore), erra sowmya, erra sowjanya, thota veera, uttam’s, bandhavi’s, bhattaru’s, thota’s, bojja’s, bhattaru’s.

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

B.Tech, M.B.A



Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

+91–789–362–6688, +1–480–347–6849, +44–07718–273–964



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